Tuesday 8 July 2014

A Round of Words in 79 Days

Just this moment I discovered a writing challenge that has me very excited.
I tried NaNoWriMo two years ago and it simply did not work for me. A Round of Words in 80 Days is a super exciting project and despite being a day late I'm going to leap onto the bandwagon.

My goal is to write 800 words a day for 80 days. I'm working on my first novel and 64000 sounds like a good word count. And of course it's going to be a masterpiece because everyone's first novel is a master piece.

Here's a new mantra I borrowed from a fantastic writer, Chuck Wendig, who's blog led me to ROW80:

I am the commander of these words.
I am the King of this story.
I am the God of this place.
I am a writer and I will finish the shit that I started. Amen.


  1. Welcome to ROW80. You're gonna love it here. We're a friendly bunch. Love the way you set your goal. I've never broken it down that way, but then again, with my eclectic interests and endeavours, I don't stick with one project at a time.

    Glad you joined us. All the best with your masterpiece.

